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What are the principles of using frequency converters to achieve energy-saving and power saving on motors?

Time:2023-05-20 Views:127
The reason why frequency converter frequency conversion speed regulation is energy-saving is mainly because it saves the wasted electrical energy during full speed operation. Especially in closed-loop speed control systems, such as constant pressure water supply systems, on-demand drag is achieved, almost completely eliminating the waste of the drag system during operation. This has achieved energy-saving in a large way, but it does not mean that the energy-saving potential has been fully explored. In fact, in many situations, there is still the phenomenon of big horses pulling small cars, and there is still great potential in this regard. So, what are the principles of using frequency converters to save energy and electricity on televisions?

The frequency converter achieves energy conservation through light load voltage reduction. Dragging the torque load has little change in speed, and even if the voltage is reduced, there will not be much energy conservation. Therefore, energy conservation is very weak. However, when used in a fan environment, it is different. When a smaller air volume is required, the motor will reduce speed. We know that the energy consumption of the fan is proportional to the 1.7 power of the speed, so the torque of the motor will sharply decrease, and the energy-saving effect is obvious. Of course, if the environment requires speed regulation, the energy-saving effect of the frequency converter is still quite obvious. In situations where the speed is not adjusted, the frequency converter will not save power, but can only improve the power factor.

In fact, the specific effects achieved by frequency converters and even the power electronics industry are as follows:

1) Further improve the efficiency of energy conversion and reduce standby losses.

2) Avoid electrical hazards, minimize current harmonics, and improve power factor.

3) Improve electromagnetic compatibility of power supply device and system.

4) Reduce electrical noise.

5) Achieve high-performance controllability.
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